Why I'm learn to code and why now?

Posted by Peter Bedrosian on February 20, 2020

Well, the time has come to write a blog. Haven’t done something like this in quite some time. Anyways, here it goes…

Why am I learning to code and why did I decide to do this at 26?

The answer to that has two parts. I guess the first would have to be my desire to do something that I feel like contributes to something, anything. After spending enough time working in the customer service world, I felt as if all I was doing was selling a product. Not to say there is anything wrong with that, but I did not feel as if what I was selling or doing had any real impact on user. After enough time of that, I chose to explore the world of code. A door that seemed closed due to not being able to go back to school and spend four years and a lot of money. Althiugh this decision ultimiatly came when I began a new job working for Squarespace, the website building company. Being around a culture of developers helped me see how a days worked imapcted so many users. From debugging to building the platform, it led to something that someone used. And to me, that work was worth pursing.

With a newfound realizaion of what I wanted to do, I began looking around and more lights went off. This brings me to the second reason for this transition. The more I look the more I see that the world is code, it is where we are going and it is not going anywhere. Computers will be in our lives forever and will continue to expand and be used for everything. Partner that idea with me not loving what I did, I knew that the opprotunity to build something for users and to be apart of the future was not something I wanted to pass up.

Well, there it is. My thoughts on paper or for this, zeros and ones…I will check in with everyone later on and hope to give a great update on what I have learned and what doors this opprotunity has brought me.